Presentation Description:

It was 1991 or 92; I had just finished this beautiful addition that matched the house perfectly like it was there originally. As I stood back in the yard to look at it, I said….CRAP (ok, that wasn’t the word I really said). I realized I had let my client make all the real profit on this project. I was sending their kids to college, not mine. I made some money on the job, even some profit. But the real money was in the value of the work, which they would realize when they sold it. It was my design, labor, management, and brain; why was I letting them make the serious money on this project?  

I decided to make some changes in my company; this was my a-ha moment. What and how is the topic of this presentation.

Elevator Pitch

Your kids are getting older, have you thought about college (for your kids, because I was sending my clients’ kids to college?) I am making money, right? I think I am…..ok, maybe not on that “one” job, but I will make up for it in the next two or three. 

Too often, this is our thinking process. Times are changing; it is not as easy to be in business; change the way you do things, or you will be working for someone else.

Learning Objectives:

Presentation Details:

  1. “Profit” isn’t what I thought. Yes, I know that sounds strange, let me explain….

  2. What are the simple changes (one is mental), which functionally changed my company and life?

  3. How did I make and implemented those changes (here is where the work begins)?

  4. What has been the unexpected difference in my company and life since those changes (not just profit)?

Presentation Type:
Presentation Length:

Content Level:


Keynote/Interactive leature
60 minutes interactive leature
(90-120 minutes is recommended)
Larry Heuvelman’s original content
Business Owners and Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
PowerPoint/Keynote, will use templated slides

Desired Outcome:

How do I make more money with two changes? One is mental; the other requires less work, revamping your processes if you currently have any.

This presentation is about changing your thinking and processes; until you adjust your procedures, things won’t change in your business. Even for those who don’t like change, the process is my specialty; you’ll like this because you will make more money!

Typical Room Setup:

  • Lavalier Mic

  • Theater Seating

  • Projector(s) and Screen(s)

  • Apple DVI Port Adaptor

  • Elevated stage dependent on number of attendees

Unique Setup Request:

  • None Required