Presentation Description:

This presentation is for the company that is doing 3+ million per year or is going to. I will begin by challenging you by saying that we spend too much money on advertising and in the wrong areas. I typically spent between 1-3% in my remodeling company, which is considered extremely low, and almost none of it on advertising. Instead, I focus on excellent marketing.

So the question is, what does a good marketing plan look like, and how do I measure it? I will teach you how to be creative, have a lot more fun, partner with some very key people, and make a lot more money by eliminating your competition.

Elevator Pitch

Forgetting the time tested ways of marketing which have worked for decades, is a mistake because of this new fangled thing called the internet, where you can waste a lot of money. Spending your marketing dollars in better ways can separate you from any competition, with higher value clients.

Learning Objectives:

Presentation Details:

  1. Define your marketing in our current environment and business climate

  2. Recognize the pros and cons of where we spend our advertising and marketing dollars and the return

  3. Define how to meld your marketing into your sales process effectively

  4. Define your marketing and sales process, rather than your client defining it for you

Presentation Type:
Presentation Length:

Content Level:


Keynote/Interactive lecture
60 minutes interactive lecture
(90-120 minutes is recommended)
Larry Heuvelman’s origianl content
Business Owners and Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
PowerPoint/Keynote, will use templated slides

Desired Outcome:

We will do a deep dive into our Marketing and a bit of our Sales process. We will identify our target client, the patterns and cycles, usually repeated. We will identify and learn from our mistakes and the fixes we need to implement. You will learn how to market your company for what you are selling, produce it efficiently, and much more profitably while separating yourselves from the competition. It sounds simple; it will be as we break this presentation down into a written process. I encourage you to take screenshots notes of this specially crafted online presentation for KBIS.

Typical Room Setup:

  • Lavalier Mic

  • Theater Seating

  • Projector(s) and Screen(s)

  • Apple DVI Port Adaptor

  • Elevated stage dependent on number of attendees

Unique Setup Request:

  • Three of the large writing pads on easels with a package of color markers

  • For larger groups, Larry will use his laptop or an iPad Pro and stylist if available

    (the iPad Pro allows beter interaction with attendees/Wifi sync req.)