Rules As The Owner

You are the Owner, but you don’t need to mark your scent on everything!
Allow people to do good work, and give them the credit

Define your core values
It is ok to let people know who and what your values are. Don’t lower your standards, you may not recover

Consistency is Critical
Your people should know who you are

Praise Very Publicly…
but not for show. Make sure the acknowledgement has merit


Be Accountable-Take the Blame….
when you are at fault

Hold People Accountable
(Privately and as a team) It “can” make everyone stronger


Have A Plan

Good plans are written. Others know about it and are involved

The First Rule of Management
Keep it visible. This applies to your plan (see above)

Is it A-Cheese-Able
The Kimberly Rule

Don’t hire friends and relatives!
Anyone you are willing to hire, you have to be just as or more willing to relieve them of their duties immediately!

Your website should confirm what people think they know about you.
Does it say who you are, what you do, who you do it for, where you do it, and why?

Never forget the importance of Face to Face
Text and emails are way overused, pick up the phone, go see people in person.
Better communication can alleviate a lot of larger problems in the future