Presentation Description:

I once finished a $30,000.000 project and realized I had left $20,000.00 on the table, I was making money, but I wasn’t charging for my work value. I had done the proper presentation, used quality materials, and did quality work, but was letting them realized more on their investment than I was in profit. We will learn how to create more value in our work, sell it for more, and have thrilled clients asking for more!

Elevator Pitch

Everyone says they do good work, but only a few of us genuinely distinguish ourselves from others. How we differentiate ourselves with our processes separates us in a manner that allows us to charge for our work’s value correctly.

Learning Objectives:

Presentation Details:

  1. How do we separate ourselves from the competition

  2. How do we charge more for our work (without loosing work)

  3. How is charging more for our work, going to get us more work

  4. What are the little things, the planning which sets us on that next level

Presentation Type:
Presentation Length:

Content Level:


Keynote/Interactive lecture
60 minutes interactive lecture
(90-120 minutes is recommended)
Larry Heuvelman’s original content
Business Owners and Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
PowerPoint/Keynote, will use templated slides

Desired Outcome:

Running a truly successful company takes forethought—a plan. Distinguishing yourself from everyone else is not as difficult or as expensive as you may think; it is about process. Thinking different is Larry’s life-long specialty, from the time he started his first business at 14, self-employed since he was 22. Larry will show you with your forethought, how to increase your profits, and have your clients thanking you if you are willing to do some work in advance.

Typical Room Setup:

  • Lavalier Mic

  • Theater Seating

  • Projector(s) and Screen(s)

  • Apple DVI Port Adaptor

  • Elevated stage dependent on number of attendees

Unique Setup Request:

  • None Required