Presentation Description:

These events caught everyone off guard; no one could have reasonably expected what happened to have happened. It will happen again. So when an event like this happens, how will you be prepared and recover? Maybe it isn’t something as major as one of these, but what is your plan? Learn from the experiences of how I not only survived 911, 2008, coronavirus, and thrived. What are your plans for future events which are sure to come?

Elevator Pitch

In football, they have a philosophy called “Next Man Up.” The coaches know, it’s not if you get hurt, it is when. In business, we don’t tend to have this mindset; what are we going to do if and when? Do you have a plan if your office manager suddenly is gone, your production manager, or your top salesperson? What is your “Next Man Up” plan even if it isn’t a person, but a thing, like 911, CV, or the coming recession (at some point, there is another one coming)?

Learning Objectives:

Presentation Details:

  1. Define what should I be considered an extraordinary event to prepare for

  2. How do I not over-react, but be prepared

  3. How do I optimize my opportunities in my industry

  4. How do I plan to come out on the other side of the event and be stronger

Presentation Type:
Presentation Length:

Content Level:


Keynote/Interactive lecture
60 minutes interactive lecture
(90-120 minutes is recommended)
Larry Heuvelman’s original content
Business Owners and Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
PowerPoint/Keynote, will use templated slides

Desired Outcome:

In this presentation, we will examine a litany of things that can unexpectedly go wrong in our business that has nothing to do with our clients. We will look at when to start looking at making decisions and analyze our decision-making process, and how not to get left in the cold until it is too late, and we are already out of business. Some of the topics will be a recession, 911, CV, the next potential event or in-house emergency, and the preparation.

Typical Room Setup:

  • Lavalier Mic

  • Theater Seating

  • Projector(s) and Screen(s)

  • Apple DVI Port Adaptor

  • Elevated stage dependent on number of attendees

Unique Setup Request:

  • None Required