Presentation Description:

Have you ever had a client ask you to do something that wasn’t in the plan for today or this week, and you did? Have they asked you if they could change the process of paying you after you started the work? Do you feel unorganized, lacking a sense of direction in your own business? But how do you go about getting some order? Larry will break this down for you simple to understand steps that make sense to any owner or key person in your company. We often make it more difficult than it needs to be, sometimes because we are too close, which can be a problem.

Elevator Pitch

Do you know where your business process starts for your client? Could they tell a potential client about your company process in a process they would understand, could you? Your approach doesn’t begin with the start of the project, or even when you show up for the sales call, they start before you have met them. Have you defined your process before meeting your client, or do you let them define part of the process for you?

Learning Objectives:

Presentation Details:

  1. Define when the business process begins with the potential client

  2. Define what I want my business process to look like and accomplish

  3. How do I prevent my client from changing my process mid-stream

  4. How do I keep my process simple and organized so everyone uses it.

Presentation Type:
Presentation Length:

Content Level:


Keynote/Interactive lecture
60 minutes interactive lecture
(90-120 minutes is recommended)
Larry Heuvelman’s original content
Business Owners and Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
PowerPoint/Keynote, will use templated slides

Desired Outcome:

In a word; Organization.   When you walk out of this interactive presentation you will have a clear path of how you want to structure the path you walk your clients through your companies process. Something intentional, designed, clear, and repeatable for consistancy, defining yourself and your company on another level. Separate yourself from the competition, become the competition they have to compete with.

Typical Room Setup:

  • Lavalier Mic

  • Theater Seating

  • Projector(s) and Screen(s)

  • Apple DVI Port Adaptor

  • Elevated stage dependent on number of attendees

Unique Setup Request:

  • Three of the large writing pads on easels with a package of color markers

  • For larger groups, Larry will use his laptop or an iPad Pro and stylist if available

    (the iPad Pro allows beter interaction with attendees/Wifi sync req.)